Source code for fv3config._datastore

import os

from .caching import get_internal_cache_dir
from .data import DATA_DIR
from ._exceptions import ConfigError
from . import filesystem

    "default": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "data_table/data_table_default"),
    "default": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "diag_table/diag_table_default"),
    "no_output": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "diag_table/diag_table_no_output"),
    "grid_spec": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "diag_table/diag_table_grid_spec"),
DEFAULT_FIELD_TABLE_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "field_table")
    "GFDLMP": "field_table_GFDLMP",
    "ZhaoCarr": "field_table_ZhaoCarr",

def get_resolution(config):
    """Get the model resolution based on a configuration dictionary.

        config (dict): a configuration dictionary

        resolution (str): a model resolution (e.g. 'C48' or 'C96')

        ConfigError: if the number of processors in x and y on a tile are unequal
    npx = config["namelist"]["fv_core_nml"]["npx"]
    npy = config["namelist"]["fv_core_nml"]["npy"]
    if npx != npy:
        raise ConfigError(
            f"npx and npy in fv_core_nml must be equal, but are {npx} and {npy}"
    resolution = f"C{npx-1}"
    return resolution

def get_orographic_forcing_directory(config):
    """Return the string path of the orographic forcing directory
    specified by a config dictionary.
    resolution = get_resolution(config)
    if "orographic_forcing" not in config:
        raise ConfigError("config dictionary must have an 'orographic_forcing' key")
    parent_dirname = config["orographic_forcing"]
    ensure_exists(parent_dirname, "orographic_forcing")
    dirname = os.path.join(parent_dirname, resolution)
    fs = filesystem.get_fs(dirname)
    if not fs.isdir(dirname):
        valid_options = fs.listdir(parent_dirname)
        raise ConfigError(
            f"resolution {resolution} orographic forcing is not present at {dirname},"
            f" valid options are {valid_options}"
    return dirname

def get_base_forcing_directory(config):
    """Return the string path of the base forcing directory
    specified by a config dictionary.
    if "forcing" not in config:
        raise ConfigError("config dictionary must have a 'forcing' key")
    ensure_exists(config["forcing"], "forcing")
    return config["forcing"]

def get_initial_conditions_directory(config):
    """Return the string path of the initial conditions directory
    specified by a config dictionary.
    if "initial_conditions" not in config:
        raise ConfigError("config dictionary must have an 'initial_conditions' key")
    ensure_exists(config["initial_conditions"], "initial_conditions")
    return config["initial_conditions"]

def ensure_exists(location: str, location_name: str):
    if not filesystem.get_fs(location).exists(location):
        raise ConfigError(f"{location_name} location {location} does not exist")

def check_if_data_is_downloaded():
    """Removed, do not use."""
    raise NotImplementedError("check_if_data_is_downloaded has been removed")

[docs]def ensure_data_is_downloaded(): """Removed, do not use.""" raise NotImplementedError("ensure_data_is_downloaded has been removed")
def refresh_downloaded_data(): """Removed, do not use.""" raise NotImplementedError("refresh_downloaded_data has been removed") def resolve_option(option, built_in_options_dict): """Determine whether a configuration dictionary option is a built-in option or not and return path to file or directory representing option. An option is assumed to be built-in if it is not an absolute path and does not begin with gs:// Args: option (str): an option built_in_options_dict (dict): built-in options Returns: (str): a path or url Raises: ConfigError: if option is an absolute path but does not exist or if option is not in default_options_dict """ if filesystem.isabs(option): if filesystem.get_fs(option).exists(option): return option else: raise ConfigError(f"The provided path {option} does not exist.") else: if option in built_in_options_dict: return os.path.join(get_internal_cache_dir(), built_in_options_dict[option]) else: raise ConfigError( f"The provided option {option} is not one of the built in options: " f"{list(built_in_options_dict.keys())}. " "Paths to local files or directories must be absolute." ) def get_microphysics_name(config): """Get name of microphysics scheme from configuration dictionary Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: str: name of microphysics scheme Raises: NotImplementedError: no microphysics name defined for specified imp_physics and ncld combination """ imp_physics = config["namelist"]["gfs_physics_nml"].get("imp_physics") ncld = config["namelist"]["gfs_physics_nml"].get("ncld") if imp_physics == 11 and ncld == 5: microphysics_name = "GFDLMP" elif imp_physics == 99 and ncld == 1: microphysics_name = "ZhaoCarr" else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Microphysics choice imp_physics={imp_physics} and ncld={ncld} not one of the valid options" ) return microphysics_name def _return_or_infer_field_table_filename(config, field_table): """Return or infer the field_table filename based on the config""" if filesystem.get_fs(field_table).isfile(field_table): return field_table elif filesystem.get_fs(field_table).isdir(field_table): return _infer_field_table_filename(config, field_table) else: return field_table def get_field_table_filename(config): """Get field_table filename given configuration dictionary Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: str: field_table filename Raises: ConfigError """ field_table = config.get("field_table", DEFAULT_FIELD_TABLE_DIR) field_table_filename = _return_or_infer_field_table_filename(config, field_table) if not filesystem.is_existing_absolute_path(field_table_filename): raise ConfigError( f"field_table={field_table} must either be left unset or set " "to an existing absolute path to a file or directory" ) else: return field_table_filename def _infer_field_table_filename(config, field_table_directory): """Infer field_table filename given configuration dictionary The inference is made based on settings for the microphysics. Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary field_table_directory (str): a directory containing the field_table Returns: str: field_table filename Raises: NotImplementedError: if field_table for microphysics option specified in config has not been implemented """ microphysics_name = get_microphysics_name(config) if microphysics_name in FIELD_TABLE_OPTIONS.keys(): filename = FIELD_TABLE_OPTIONS[microphysics_name] else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Field table does not exist for {microphysics_name} microphysics" ) return os.path.join(field_table_directory, filename) def get_diag_table_filename(config): """Return filename for diag_table specified in config Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: str: diag_table filename """ if "diag_table" not in config: raise ConfigError("config dictionary must have a 'diag_table' key") return resolve_option(config["diag_table"], DIAG_TABLE_OPTIONS) def get_data_table_filename(config): """Return filename for data_table specified in config Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: str: data_table filename """ if "data_table" not in config: raise ConfigError("config dictionary must have a 'data_table' key") return resolve_option(config["data_table"], DATA_TABLE_OPTIONS)