Source code for fv3config.config.derive

import os
import re
from datetime import timedelta
from .._exceptions import ConfigError
from .default import NAMELIST_DEFAULTS
from .._asset_list import config_to_asset_list
from ..filesystem import get_fs

def get_n_processes(config):
    n_tiles = config["namelist"]["fv_core_nml"].get(
        "ntiles", NAMELIST_DEFAULTS["ntiles"]
    layout = config["namelist"]["fv_core_nml"].get(
        "layout", NAMELIST_DEFAULTS["layout"]
    processors_per_tile = layout[0] * layout[1]
    return n_tiles * processors_per_tile

[docs]def get_run_duration(config): """Return a timedelta indicating the duration of the run. Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: duration (timedelta): the duration of the run Raises: ValueError: if the namelist contains a non-zero value for "months" """ coupler_nml = config["namelist"].get("coupler_nml", {}) months = coupler_nml.get("months", 0) if months != 0: # months have no set duration and thus cannot be timedelta raise ValueError(f"namelist contains non-zero value {months} for months") return timedelta( **{ name: coupler_nml.get(name, 0) for name in ("seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days") } )
def get_current_date(config): """Return current_date from configuration dictionary. This function may read from the remote initial_conditions path in the given configuration dictionary. Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: list: current_date as list of ints [year, month, day, hour, min, sec] """ force_date_from_namelist = config["namelist"]["coupler_nml"].get( "force_date_from_namelist", False ) # following code replicates the logic that the fv3gfs model uses to determine the current_date if force_date_from_namelist: current_date = config["namelist"]["coupler_nml"].get( "current_date", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ) else: coupler_res_filename = _get_coupler_res_filename(config) if coupler_res_filename is not None: current_date = _get_current_date_from_coupler_res(coupler_res_filename) else: current_date = config["namelist"]["coupler_nml"].get( "current_date", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ) return current_date def _get_current_date_from_coupler_res(coupler_res_filename): """Return current_date specified in coupler.res file Args: coupler_res_filename (str): a coupler.res filename Returns: list: current_date as list of ints [year, month, day, hour, min, sec] """ fs = get_fs(coupler_res_filename) with, mode="r") as f: third_line = f.readlines()[2] current_date = [int(d) for d in re.findall(r"\d+", third_line)] if len(current_date) != 6: raise ConfigError( f"{coupler_res_filename} does not have a valid current model time (need six integers on third line)" ) return current_date def _get_coupler_res_filename(config): """Return source path for coupler.res file, if it exists in config assets.""" asset_list = config_to_asset_list(config) source_path = None for item in asset_list: target_path = os.path.join(item["target_location"], item["target_name"]) if target_path == "INPUT/coupler.res": if "bytes" in item: raise NotImplementedError( "Using a bytes dict to represent a coupler.res file is not " "implemented yet. Use a standard asset dict for this item." ) source_path = os.path.join(item["source_location"], item["source_name"]) return source_path
[docs]def get_timestep(config): """Get the model timestep from a configuration dictionary. Args: config (dict): a configuration dictionary Returns: datetime.timedelta: the model timestep """ return timedelta(seconds=config["namelist"]["coupler_nml"]["dt_atmos"])