Source code for fv3config.fv3run._docker

import subprocess
import os
from .. import filesystem
from ..config._serialization import load
from ._native import CONFIG_OUT_FILENAME, run_native

DOCKER_OUTDIR = "/outdir"
DOCKER_COMMAND = ["docker", "run"]
DOCKER_KEYFILE = "/gcs_key.json"
FV3RUN_MODULE = "fv3config.fv3run"

[docs]def run_docker( config_dict_or_location, outdir, docker_image, runfile=None, keyfile=None, capture_output=True, ): """Run the FV3GFS model in a docker container with the given configuration. Copies the resulting directory to a target location. Will use the Google cloud storage key at ``$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` by default. Requires the fv3gfs-python package and fv3config to be installed in the docker image. Args: config_dict_or_location (dict or str): a configuration dictionary, or a location (local or on Google cloud storage) of a yaml file containing a configuration dictionary outdir (str): location to copy the resulting run directory runfile (str, optional): Python model script to use in place of the default. docker_image (str, optional): If given, run this command inside a container using this docker image. Image must have this package and fv3gfs-python installed. keyfile (str, optional): location of a Google cloud storage key to use inside the docker container capture_output (bool, optional): If true, then the stderr and stdout streams will be redirected to the files `outdir/stderr.log` and `outdir/stdout.log` respectively. """ if keyfile is None: keyfile = os.environ.get("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", None) if isinstance(config_dict_or_location, str): config_dict = _load_yaml(config_dict_or_location) else: config_dict = config_dict_or_location filesystem.get_fs(outdir).makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) bind_mount_args = [] docker_args = [] _get_credentials_args(keyfile, docker_args, bind_mount_args) _get_local_data_bind_mounts(config_dict, bind_mount_args) _get_docker_args(docker_args, bind_mount_args, outdir) runfile_in_docker = _get_runfile_args(runfile, bind_mount_args) if filesystem.is_local_path(outdir): docker_outdir = DOCKER_OUTDIR else: docker_outdir = outdir python_command = run_native.command( config_dict, docker_outdir, runfile=runfile_in_docker, capture_output=capture_output, ) subprocess.check_call( DOCKER_COMMAND + bind_mount_args + docker_args + [docker_image] + python_command )
def _load_yaml(url): with as f: return load(f) def _get_runfile_args(runfile, bind_mount_args) -> str: if runfile is not None: if filesystem.is_local_path(runfile): bind_mount_args += ["-v", f"{os.path.abspath(runfile)}:{DOCKER_RUNFILE}"] return DOCKER_RUNFILE else: return runfile def _get_paths(config_dict): """Return a list of all paths referenced by the config dict.""" return_list = [ config_dict["diag_table"], config_dict["data_table"], config_dict["forcing"], config_dict["initial_conditions"], ] patch_files = config_dict.get("patch_files", []) if isinstance(patch_files, list): return_list.extend(patch_files) else: return_list.append(patch_files) return return_list def _is_local_path(maybe_path_or_object): return ( isinstance(maybe_path_or_object, str) and os.path.isabs(maybe_path_or_object) and filesystem.is_local_path(maybe_path_or_object) ) def _get_local_data_paths(config_dict): """Return a list of all local paths referenced by the config dict.""" local_paths = [] for potential_path in _get_paths(config_dict): if _is_local_path(potential_path): local_paths.append(potential_path) elif isinstance(potential_path, list): for asset in potential_path: if filesystem.is_local_path(asset["source_location"]): local_paths.append( os.path.join(asset["source_location"], asset["source_name"]) ) elif isinstance(potential_path, dict): asset = potential_path if filesystem.is_local_path(asset["source_location"]): local_paths.append( os.path.join(asset["source_location"], asset["source_name"]) ) return local_paths def _get_local_data_bind_mounts(config_dict, bind_mount_args): for local_path in _get_local_data_paths(config_dict): bind_mount_args += ["-v", f"{local_path}:{local_path}"] def _get_docker_args(docker_args, bind_mount_args, outdir): if filesystem.is_local_path(outdir): bind_mount_args += ["-v", f"{os.path.abspath(outdir)}:{DOCKER_OUTDIR}"] docker_args += ["--rm", "--user", f"{os.getuid()}:{os.getgid()}"] def _get_credentials_args(keyfile, docker_args, bind_mount_args): if keyfile is not None: bind_mount_args += ["-v", f"{os.path.abspath(keyfile)}:{DOCKER_KEYFILE}"] docker_args += ["-e", f"GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS={DOCKER_KEYFILE}"]