Source code for fv3config.fv3run._kubernetes

import os
import re
import uuid
import warnings

from .. import filesystem
from .._exceptions import DelayedImportError
from ._native import run_native

    import kubernetes as kube
except ImportError as err:
    kube = DelayedImportError(err)

[docs]def run_kubernetes( config_location, outdir, docker_image, runfile=None, jobname=None, namespace="default", memory_gb=3.6, memory_gb_limit=None, cpu_count=1, gcp_secret=None, image_pull_policy="IfNotPresent", job_labels=None, submit=True, capture_output=True, ): """Submit a kubernetes job to perform a fv3run operation. Much of the configuration must be first saved to google cloud storage, and then supplied via paths to that configuration. The resulting run directory is copied out to a google cloud storage path. This call is non-blocking, and only submits a job. Args: config_location (str): google cloud storage location of a yaml file containing a configuration dictionary outdir (str): google cloud storage location to upload the resulting run directory docker_image (str): docker image name to use for execution, which has fv3config installed with fv3run runfile (str, optional): location of a python file to execute as the model executable, either on google cloud storage or within the specified docker image jobname (str, optional): name to use for the kubernetes job, defaults to a random uuid.uuid4().hex namespace (str, optional): kubernetes namespace for the job, defaults to "default" memory_gb (float, optional): gigabytes of memory required for the kubernetes worker, defaults to 3.6GB memory_gb_limit (float, optional): maximum memory allowed for the kubernetes worker, defaults to the value set by memory_gb cpu_count (int, optional): number of CPUs to use on the kubernetes worker gcp_secret (str, optional): name of kubernetes secret to mount containing a file ``key.json`` to use as the google cloud storage key. image_pull_policy (str, optional): pull policy passed on to the kubernetes job. if set to "Always", will always pull the latest image. When "IfNotPresent", will only pull if no image has already been pulled. Defaults to "IfNotPresent". job_labels (Mapping[str, str], optional): labels provided as key-value pairs to apply to job pod. Useful for grouping jobs together in status checks. capture_output (bool, optional): If True, then the stderr and stdout streams will be redirected to the files `outdir/stderr.log` and `outdir/stdout.log` respectively. """ if filesystem.is_local_path(outdir): warnings.warn( f"Output directory {outdir} is a local path, so it will not be accessible " "once the job finishes." ) command = run_native.command( config_location, outdir, runfile=runfile, capture_output=capture_output ) job = _get_job( command, docker_image, jobname, memory_gb, memory_gb_limit, cpu_count, gcp_secret, image_pull_policy, job_labels, ) if submit: _submit_job(job, namespace) else: return job
def _get_job( command, docker_image, jobname=None, memory_gb=3.6, memory_gb_limit=None, cpu_count=1, gcp_secret=None, image_pull_policy="IfNotPresent", job_labels=None, ): kube_config = KubernetesConfig( jobname, memory_gb, memory_gb_limit, cpu_count, gcp_secret, image_pull_policy, job_labels, ) return _create_job_object(command, docker_image, kube_config) def _submit_job(job, namespace): kube.config.load_kube_config() api = kube.client.BatchV1Api() api.create_namespaced_job(body=job, namespace=namespace) def _create_job_object(command, docker_image, kube_config): container = kube.client.V1Container( name=_get_name_from_image(docker_image), image=docker_image, image_pull_policy=kube_config.image_pull_policy, command=command, resources=kube_config.resource_requirements, volume_mounts=kube_config.volume_mounts, env=kube_config.env, ) return _container_to_job(container, kube_config) def _get_name_from_image(docker_image): name = os.path.basename(docker_image) return re.split(r"\W+", name)[0].replace("_", "-") def _container_to_job(container, kube_config): labels = {"app": "fv3run"} labels.update(kube_config.job_labels) # Toleration allows operation on the bigger nodes (with the specified taint) toleration = kube.client.V1Toleration( effect="NoSchedule", key="dedicated", value="climate-sim-pool", ) pod_spec = kube.client.V1PodSpec( restart_policy="Never", containers=[container], volumes=kube_config.volumes, tolerations=[toleration], ) template_spec = kube.client.V1PodTemplateSpec( metadata=kube.client.V1ObjectMeta(labels=labels), spec=pod_spec, ) job_spec = kube.client.V1JobSpec( template=template_spec, backoff_limit=0, completions=1, ttl_seconds_after_finished=100, ) job = kube.client.V1Job( api_version="batch/v1", kind="Job", metadata=kube.client.V1ObjectMeta(name=kube_config.jobname), spec=job_spec, ) return job class KubernetesConfig: def __init__( self, jobname=None, memory_gb=3.6, memory_gb_limit=None, cpu_count=1, gcp_secret=None, image_pull_policy="IfNotPresent", job_labels=None, ): """Container for kubernetes-specific job configuration. Args: jobname (str, optional): name to use for the kubernetes job, defaults to a random uuid.uuid4().hex memory_gb (float, optional): gigabytes of memory required for the kubernetes worker, defaults to 3.6GB memory_gb_limit (float, optional): maximum memory allowed for the kubernetes worker, defaults to the value set by memory_gb cpu_count (int, optional): number of CPUs to use on the kubernetes worker gcp_secret (str, optional): name of kubernetes secret to mount containing a file ``key.json`` to use as the google cloud storage key. image_pull_policy (str, optional): pull policy passed on to the kubernetes job. if set to "Always", will always pull the latest image. When "IfNotPresent", will only pull if no image has already been pulled. Defaults to "IfNotPresent". job_labels (Mapping[str, str], optional): labels provided as key-value pairs to apply to job pod. Useful for grouping jobs together in status checks. """ if jobname is None: self.jobname = uuid.uuid4().hex else: self.jobname = jobname self.memory_gb = memory_gb if memory_gb_limit is None: self.memory_gb_limit = memory_gb else: self.memory_gb_limit = memory_gb_limit self.cpu_count = cpu_count self.gcp_secret = gcp_secret self.image_pull_policy = image_pull_policy if job_labels is not None: self.job_labels = job_labels else: self.job_labels = {} @property def resource_requirements(self): return kube.client.V1ResourceRequirements( limits={"memory": f"{self.memory_gb_limit:.1f}G"}, requests={ "memory": f"{self.memory_gb:.1f}G", "cpu": f"{self.cpu_count:.1f}", }, ) @property def _secret_volume(self): if self.gcp_secret is not None: return kube.client.V1Volume( name="gcp-key-secret", secret=kube.client.V1SecretVolumeSource(secret_name=self.gcp_secret), ) else: return None @property def volumes(self): if self.gcp_secret is not None: return [self._secret_volume] else: return [] @property def volume_mounts(self): if self.gcp_secret is not None: volume_mounts = [ kube.client.V1VolumeMount( mount_path="/secret/gcp-credentials",, read_only=True, ) ] else: volume_mounts = [] return volume_mounts @property def env(self): if self.gcp_secret is not None: return [ kube.client.V1EnvVar( name="GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", value="/secret/gcp-credentials/key.json", ), kube.client.V1EnvVar( name="CLOUDSDK_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_FILE_OVERRIDE", value="/secret/gcp-credentials/key.json", ), ] else: return []