Source code for fv3config.config.nudging

import collections
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
from typing import Sequence, List, Mapping
import math
import fsspec
from .._asset_list import get_asset_dict
from .._exceptions import ConfigError
from ..filesystem import get_fs
from .derive import get_current_date, get_run_duration


def _most_recent_nudge_time(start_time: datetime, interval: timedelta) -> datetime:
    """Return datetime object for the last nudging time preceding or concurrent
    with start_time, given interval between nudging times"""
    nudge_hours = range(0, 24, interval.seconds // SECONDS_IN_HOUR)
    first_nudge_hour = _most_recent_hour(start_time.hour, nudge_hours)
    return datetime(start_time.year, start_time.month,, first_nudge_hour)

def _most_recent_hour(current_hour: int, hour_array: Sequence[int]) -> int:
    """Return latest hour in hour_array that precedes or is concurrent with
    for hour in hour_array:
        if hour <= current_hour:
            first_nudge_hour = hour
    return first_nudge_hour

def _get_nudge_time_list(
    run_duration: timedelta, current_date: Sequence[int], interval: timedelta
) -> List[datetime]:
    """Return list of datetime objects corresponding to times at which analysis files
    are required for nudging for a given model run configuration"""
    start_time = datetime(*current_date)
    first_nudge_time = _most_recent_nudge_time(start_time, interval)
    nudge_duration = run_duration + (start_time - first_nudge_time)
    nudge_duration_hours = int(
        math.ceil(nudge_duration.total_seconds() / SECONDS_IN_HOUR)
    interval_hours = interval.seconds // SECONDS_IN_HOUR
    nudging_hours = range(0, nudge_duration_hours + interval_hours, interval_hours)
    return [first_nudge_time + timedelta(hours=hour) for hour in nudging_hours]

[docs]def get_nudging_assets( run_duration: timedelta, current_date: Sequence[int], nudge_path: str, nudge_filename_pattern: str = "", copy_method: str = "copy", nudge_interval: timedelta = timedelta(hours=6), ) -> List[Mapping]: """Return list of assets of nudging files required for given run duration and start time. This method defines file paths directly from its arguments, without determining whether the files themselves are present. Args: run_duration: length of fv3gfs run current_date: start time of fv3gfs run as a sequence of 6 integers nudge_path: local or remote path to nudging files nudge_filename_pattern: template for nudging filenames. Pattern should follow style of datetime strptime and strftime 'format' argument. Defaults to ''. copy_method: copy_method for nudging file assets. Defaults to 'copy'. nudge_interval: time between nudging files. Must be multiple of 1 hour. Defaults to 6 hours. Returns: list of all assets required for nudging run Raises: ConfigError: if copy_method is "link" and a remote path is given for nudge_path """ if get_fs(nudge_path) != fsspec.filesystem("file") and copy_method == "link": raise ConfigError( "Cannot link nudging files if using remote path for nudge_path. " f"Got {nudge_path}." ) time_list = _get_nudge_time_list(run_duration, current_date, nudge_interval) filename_list = [time.strftime(nudge_filename_pattern) for time in time_list] nudging_assets = [ get_asset_dict( nudge_path, file_, target_location="INPUT", copy_method=copy_method ) for file_ in filename_list ] return nudging_assets
def _non_nudging_assets( assets: Sequence[Mapping], filename_pattern: str, ) -> List[Mapping]: """Given list of assets, return filtered list with no nudging assets.""" return [item for item in assets if not _is_nudging_asset(item, filename_pattern)] def _is_nudging_asset(item, pattern): if not isinstance(item, # not an asset return False try: target_name = item["target_name"] datetime.strptime(target_name, pattern) return True except (KeyError, ValueError): # not an asset or target_name does not fit given pattern return False def _clear_nudging_assets(config): """Remove any assets in patch_files that match given filename_pattern""" pattern = config["gfs_analysis_data"]["filename_pattern"] if "patch_files" in config: config["patch_files"] = _non_nudging_assets(config["patch_files"], pattern)
[docs]def update_config_for_nudging(config: Mapping): """Update config object in place to include nudging file assets and associated file_names namelist entry. Requires 'gfs_analysis_data' entry in fv3config object with 'url' and 'filename_pattern' entries. Args: config: configuration dictionary Raises: ConfigError: if provided config does not contain "gfs_analysis_data" section. Note: will delete any existing assets in 'patch_files' that match the given filename_pattern before new assets are added. """ gfs_analysis_data = config.get("gfs_analysis_data", {}) if "url" not in gfs_analysis_data or "filename_pattern" not in gfs_analysis_data: raise ConfigError( "Config must contain 'gfs_analysis_data' section with 'url' and" "'filename_pattern' items if 'namelist.fv_core_nml.nudge' is True." ) _clear_nudging_assets(config) nudging_file_assets = get_nudging_assets( get_run_duration(config), get_current_date(config), gfs_analysis_data["url"], nudge_filename_pattern=gfs_analysis_data["filename_pattern"], copy_method=gfs_analysis_data.get("copy_method", "copy"), nudge_interval=gfs_analysis_data.get("interval", timedelta(hours=6)), ) target_file_paths = [ os.path.join(asset["target_location"], asset["target_name"]) for asset in nudging_file_assets ] namelist = config["namelist"] namelist.setdefault("fv_nwp_nudge_nml", {})["file_names"] = target_file_paths config.setdefault("patch_files", []).extend(nudging_file_assets)